
Our store is completely online! We do not have a physical store location. We warehouse our products in various locations. When you place your order, your order will be shipped from various locations where our products are warehoused.

Please leave your name, email address, and bullet points of what you need. (email/ text messaging ok!)*
(310)508-9384 (text/calls)

*Due to privacy regulations, we do not store your personal information. When contacting us via voice call, we will ask if you agree to receive additional information via SMS. Message and data charges may apply. When receiving requested information by SMS, you can opt-out at any time by replying STOP. HELP provides you with more information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on this website.


All inquiries should be emailed to:

Phone /text inquires can be made to:


Email all legal inquiries to:

A-Lit-Move location:

Our main operations is based in:
Los Angeles, CA

We are an ONLINE STORE only.


*Due to privacy/security concerns, location address is undisclosed to the public.